
[北京上海]德勤FAS(Financial Advisory Services)部门2011校园招聘

发布时间:2010-11-24 作者:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院) 来源:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院)



Deloitte is one of the world's leading professional services organisations, delivering world-class Assurance and Advisory, Tax, Enterprise Risk Services, Financial Advisory and Consulting services.


To meet our business operation needs and continuous growth, we recruit number of talented graduates every year.  This year is no exception and we will start our graduate recruitment programme now.




Who we are looking for?


Position: Associate - M&A Strategy Services and Commercial Due Diligence, Financial Advisory Services


Location: Shanghai&Beijing




M&A Strategy Services and Commercial Due Diligence

This is a team dedicated to strategy consultancy services for both corporates and financial investors. We support our clients in solving commercial questions with strategic importance to their business and investment decisions in particular. Typical services would include M&A strategy, market feasibility study, development plan, commercial due diligence, business plan review, competition assessment, post-merger

support, etc.




Associate is the entry position for new graduates with either bachelor or master degree. The team roles and job responsibilities for an Associate evolve as the person's experience and capability get developed. Responsibilities for an Associate usually include:

-        Preparation and delivery of sections of assignments

o        Desk based research using basic and advanced research tools

o        Gather key information through interviews, management discussion and site visits

o        Correctly and efficiently analyse data and summarise key findings

o        Build market or financial models and perform analysis

o        Write concise reports in English or Chinese, with sound business recommendations

-        Contribute in team discussion and participate client meetings

-        Supervise and lead junior staff as seniority increases

-        There will be occasional short period travels for project needs




-        Outstanding academic performance (NO restrictions on majors)

-        Strong analytical capability with logical thinking and good numeric skills 

-        Good commercial acumen and business sense

-        Solid English ability in terms of both writing and speaking

-        A team player with proactive and professional attitude

-        Willing to solve challenges and work under pressure

-        Native Mandarin speaker, good writing skills in Chinese



How to apply?

Website for Online application: //dtt.chinahr.com



Online application period: 15 November 2010(Monday) 5 December 2010(Sunday)




Don't miss the chance to explore your career aspirations and opportunities with Deloitte!







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