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Alan W. Lepp:漫谈美国司法制度

发布时间:2009-12-28 作者:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院) 来源:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院)






主讲人Alan W. Lepp 教授



Alan W. Lepp(美国第七巡回区上诉法院司法事务主管,富布莱特访问学者)

Fulbright Lecturer in Law, China University of Politics and Law (2007-08)

Deputy Senior Staff Attorney, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (Chicago)

William M. Trumbull Adjunct Professor of Law, Northwestern University School of Law (Chicago)

MemberNational Committee on United States-China Relations


J.D., University of Michigan Law School, 1990

M.A. in Asian Studies (China concentration), University of Michigan, 1991

B.A. in History, Cornell University, 1985

Research Interests

Comparative Aspects of American Law (especially comparisons of American and Chinese civil procedure, appellate procedure, and constitutional law)

U.S. Federal Courts and the Judicial Process

U.S. Immigration Law

Chinese Judicial Reform

Courses Taught

American Law and the Judicial Process

American Contract Law

Common Law Reasoning

Representative Publications

China: 1990 The Year in Review, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol. 1 at 252 (Graham & Trotman, London, 1991).

Intellectual Property Rights Regimes in Southeast Asia, Journal of Southeast Asian Business Studies, Vol.6 at 28 (1990).

The Death Penalty in Late Imperial, Modern, and Post-Tiananmen China, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol.11 at 987 (1990).




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