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Riegel:Teaching the Humanities in Global Uni

发布时间:2010-03-03 作者:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院) 来源:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院)


Teaching the Humanities in Global Universities


演讲人:Jeffrey Riegel教授,悉尼大学语言文化学院院长


Most of Jeffrey Riegel's 30-year academic career was spent at the University of California, Berkeley.Jeffrey Riegel教授30年的学术生涯大部分都花费在加州大学伯克利分校。 2007He retired from the position of Agassiz Professor of Chinese in 2007.他从阿加西中文教席上卸任。 He travels frequently to China and has long been committed to helping bring about a greater understanding of China.他经常到中国旅行,并一直致力于帮助实现世界对中国的了解。 As Head of the School of Languages and Cultures he has broadened this commitment by stressing the need for Australians to recognize the importance of learning languages other than English and of gaining deeper familiarity with cultures outside the Anglo-American sphere.作为语言文化学院院长,他深化了自己的责任,强调了澳大利亚人必须认识到学习英语以外的语言和与外界文化沟通的重要性。

Research Areas研究领域

中国早期The literature, thought, and material culture of early China, in particular the period from the 7th-2nd centuries BCE.在文学,思想和物质的文化,特别是从公元前第七世纪至公元前第二世纪。

Current Projects当前项目

对于A translation and study of the ancient Chinese philosophical text, the古代墨子哲学文本研究及翻译

A study of the 18th century literary figure, Yuan Mei, and his collection of tales of the fantastic and supernatural对于18世纪文学名人袁枚的研究,以及他所收集神奇,超自然的神话故事的研究

A study and translation of recently excavated Chinese manuscripts, in particular parts of the Han dynasty medical corpus unearthed at Zhangjiashan.对于近期所挖掘出土的中文书稿的研究,特别是对于在张家山出土的汉代医学术语的文献进行研究。

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