Dear Students, Every year the French Embassy in The registrations for the various competitions are opened until January 31st, 2013. The finales of the French song contest will be held in March in You can find the rules of the competitions hereafter (in French): SONG CONTEST: We will choose two students during a draft/pre-selection event to represent Renmin University of China at the finales of the song contest, which will eventually rewards two winners with a trip to The pre-selection event is planned for the January 23th (the place and the time of the meeting will be communicated to you later). To prepare the draft/pre-selection event, you can follow the links hereafter where you can find the short-list of the songs with their lyrics and also their Karaoke mp3 version. - Karaoke & mp3 (every song in its own folder) If such an opportunity to get part of a project where you can mix learning more about French culture and having fun interests you, you may register for the draft/pre-selection event by following the link hereafter and register. You may choose only one song to perform during the draft/pre-selection event. MOVIE COURT COMPETITION: The Movie-Court (short movie) competition is an individual event. The school will not intervene in the selection, and as many as 10 students may individually enlist for each of our Suzhou colleges (中法学院,威尼斯人娱乐场网址
). Two students will be chosen among the nationwide submissions, and will be rewarded with a trip to // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you have any questions or need any help related to this event feel free to contact us at [email protected] or come to see us at the A314 office ( Thanks, and Best of Luck,