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发布时间:2011-10-12 作者:教务部 来源:威尼斯人娱乐场网址 (苏州研究院)



1018起,中国人民大学讲座教授,意大利佛罗伦萨大学著名的统计学教授乔托法拉利教授(Prof. Guido Ferrari)将在本院开设选修课《金融统计,本课程为全英文授课课程,采取专题讲座的形式,用统计方法和数理模型解析经济问题。建议选课学生有一定的经济学和统计学基础,全院学生均可选修。课程共5次(每次4个学时),共计20个学时(合1个学分)。上课地点为修远楼215教室。有选课意向的同学请到修远楼204教务部报名,截止时间为1017下午四点。课程具体安排如下:


第一讲.1018 18:00-21:00

China after the Crisis: What Can We Learn from the Impressive GDP Acceleration of the Past 20 Years to Sustain and Enhance a Harmonious Development?

Abstract: In this seminar an analysis of China’s GDP growth is undertaken aiming at verifying the reasons that made the country’s economic growth it to hold on in global economic slowdown and whether the it is sustainable and can lead China’s to enhance its prominent world economic role. It is shown that China’s GDP growth was very high during the crisis too and that in 2009 and 2010 is re-taking the size as before, with rates around 9-10%. Conditions for are discussed for sustainability to be achieved and for China to enhance and definitely keep the leading position in the world economic system.


第二讲. 1019 18:00-21:00

Modelling the Innovation Based Urban Competitiveness Enhancement

Abstract: In this seminar we suggest to approach the problem of enhancing the innovation based urban competitiveness by putting it in a global perspective represented by the General Equilibrium (GE) models computation framework. In this way, it is possible to confer an overall meaning the matter and set up a more scientific basis to its treatment, as well as to the competitiveness comparisons.


第三讲. 102518:00-21:00

China After the Global Economic Slowdown: is it Worth Keeping Unchanged the Rate of Exchange?

Abstract: Is the Yuan RMB undervalued? Is it the cause of trade imbalance? Is China the scapegoat for unemployment in the US?” IN this seminar we analyze the current situation, make remarks and comments and try to suggest possible solution.


第四讲. 102618:00-21:00

Parameters Estimation of CES and Trans-log Production Functions Based on SAM in a Regional CGE Model Framework

Abstract: This seminar is a very technical one. It deals with the problems of estimating the parameters of widely used production functions, such as Trans-logarithmic and Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) in the framework of the computation of regional equilibrium models based on the information contained in the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) only. This is a typical ill-posed situation where estimation methods based on Entropy are requested. It is a mixture of micro and macro-economic issues.



 Chain Consumer Price Indices in the Measurement of Inflation: Theoretical Statements and Empirical Evidence

Abstract: In this seminar the chain Laspeyres Consumer Price Index (CPI) is analysed by focusing on its use as a tool for the measurement of inflation. In particular, monthly and yearly (ex-post type, both trend and average) inflation measures, as well as the decomposition of the latter, are discussed, with emphasis on the practical aspects of the arguments. The advantages and disadvantages when using chain against fixed base CPIs are examined, with particular reference to the case of the chain CPI which is being calculated, starting from 1999, in Italy by the National Statistical Institute (ISTAT). It is shown that, as a whole, there is no significant gain in using the chain CPI for the measurement of inflation.




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