2008年9月- 2010年7月 中国人民大学国际关系学院博士后研究员、讲师
(2008.9-2010.7: Post-doctor (Assistant professor) at School of International Studies, Renmin University of China)
2004年9月-2008年7月 北京大学法学院 民商法博士;
(2004.9-2008.7: Ph. D in Civil and Commercial Law at Law School, Peking University)
2007年1 月- 2008年8月 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学法学院 欧洲知识产权法硕士;
(2007.1-2008.8: Master of European Intellectual Property Law in Law School, Stockholm University)
2002年8月- 2003年11月 美国天普大学比斯利法学院法学硕士(LL.M);
(2002.8 -2003.11: LL.M in Financial and Economic Law at Temple University Beasley School of Law (PA, U.S.A))
1998年9月- 2002年7月 中国政法大学经济法系法学学士。
(1998.9-2002.7: Bachelor in Economic Law in Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law)
2018年9月至今 任中国人民大学丝路学院副教授、硕士研究生导师
(2018-present, Associate professor at Silk Road School, RUC)
2014年至今 任中国人民大学中法学院、威尼斯人娱乐场网址
(2014-present, Associate professor of Sino-French Institute and International College, RUC)
金融机构法律合规(Legal Compliance)
公司治理与内部控制(Corporate Governance and Internal Control)
经济法(Economic Law)
金融机构法律风险管理(Legal Risk Management of Financial Institutions)
操作风险,内部控制与合规风险管理(Operational Risk, Internal Control and Legal Compliance)
Investing China and its Legal Regulations(留学生/交换生课程)
1. 公司转型与治理,中国商业出版社,2020年版,负责第二章撰写(Corporate transformation and Governance. Beijing. China Commercial Publishing House. 2020 edition, co-author and in charge of 2nd chapter)
2. 经济法实务,中国人民大学出版社,2013年版及2015年版,负责第二章及第四章撰写,十一五国家级规划教材(Economic Law. Beijing. Renmin University of China Press. The 11th 5 years National Planning Textbook, 2013 edition and 2015 edition, co-author) in charge of 2nd and 4th chapter)
3. 商法概论,中国人民大学出版社,2010年版(Business Law--an Introduction. Beijing. Renmin University of China Press. 2010 edition)
4. 工伤事故操作小全书,法律出版社,2010年版(The Industrial Injury Remedy Reference Book. Beijing. Law Press. 2010 edition)
5. 有限责任公司股东退出机制研究,中国政法大学出版社,2009年版(Study on Limited Liability Company Shareholders’ Withdrawal Mechanism. Beijing. China University of Politics Science and Law Press. 2009 edition)
B) 学术期刊(Articles in Journals)
1. Personal Bankruptcy in the Middle Kingdom: China’s Local Pilot Programs AND Half of a Bankruptcy System, The American Bankruptcy Law Journal, Vol.95, May, 2021. (U.S.A)
2. 网络游戏直播画面著作权问题探究, 武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2021-05-31.(Research on the Copyright of Live Broadcast Pictures of Online Games, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition),2021-05-31.)
3. 商业银行通道业务转型风险分析, 内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2020-11-15. (Risk Analysis of Mezzanine Financing Business of Commercial Banks, Journal of Inner Mongolia University (Philosophy and Social Science),2020-11-15.)
4. Bankruptcy with Chinese Characteristics: Insolvency Administration in the People’s Republic of China, The American Bankruptcy Law Journal, Vol.94, May, 2020. (U.S.A)
5. 内部人反向刺破公司面纱的构成要件研究,浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2017-08-03.(Research on the Constituent Elements of Insiders Reverse Piercing the Corporate Veil, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Science Edition), 2017-08-03.)
6. 交通事故侵权责任损害赔偿功能的局限性——基于法经济学及实证考察的思考,内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017-03-15.(Limitation of Damage Compensation Function of Traffic Accident Tort Liability -- Based on Legal Economics and Empirical Investigation, Journal of Inner Mongolia University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2017-03-15.)
7. 外部人反向刺破公司面纱的构成要件研究,武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版),2016-10-09.(Research on the Constituent Elements of Outsider Reverse Piercing the Corporate Veil, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition),2016-10-09.)
8. 道路交通事故中侵权责任与保险问题研究——以法经济学为视角,保险研究,2016-05-20.(Research on Tort Liability and Insurance in Road Traffic Accidents -- from the Perspective of Law and Economics, Insurance Studies, 2016-05-20.)
9. 产品质量的法经济学分析,中国法制比较研究论文集,2015-06-01.(台北)(Legal and Economic Analysis of Product Liability, Collection of Papers on the Comparative Study of Chinese Legal System, 2015-06-01.(Taipei))
14. 论“好意同乘”交通事故的侵权责任,北京交通大学学报(社会科学版),2015-04-16.(Discussion on the Free Riding Traffic Accident Tort Liability, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition),2015-04-16.)
C) 科研项目(Research Programs)
1. 2012年北京市哲学社科会科学“十二五”规划项目青年项目,项目名称:侵权责任法的一般条款构成要件该当性重构
Project name: The youth program of “12-5” planning program of Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science
Research topics: The Re-Construction of Composing Elements to General Article of Tort Liability Law
2. 2015年国家社科基金年度项目一般项目,项目名称:道路交通事故中侵权责任及第三者责任保险的交互关系研究
Project name: National Social Science Research Fund Research Project
Research topics: Research on the Interaction between Tort Liability and Third Party Liability Insurance in Road Traffic Accidents
1. 中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心专职副研究员(2015-2017)
(2015-2017 Full Time Associate Researcher of Civil and Commercial Legal Science Research Center of RUC)
2. 江苏省国际商事法律服务中心调解员(2019-今)
(2019-present, Mediator of Jiangsu International Commercial Legal Service Center)
3. 中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会苏州调解中心调解员(2019-今)
(2019-present, Mediator of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade / Suzhou Mediation Center of China International Chamber of Commerce)
4. 2014年中国人民大学“十佳班主任”
(2014:“Top 10 Class Advisor of RUC”)
5. 2013年中国人民大学第七届青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖
(2013: Second Prize, The 7th Youth Teachers’ Basic Teaching Skill Contest)
6. 2013年中国人民大学苏州校区教学优秀奖
(2013:Teaching Award of Suzhou Campus of RUC)
7. 2012年苏州工业园区优秀教育工作者
(2012:Excellent educator of SIP)
8. 2010年德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)学者资助
(2010: DAAD Exchange Scholar Award)
9. 2009年中国博士后基金二等资助
(2009: China Post-Doctor Research Award)